Think you`ve been trading the Forex Think again

Released on = June 9, 2006, 8:34 am

Press Release Author = The Non-Dealing Desk Trader

Industry = Financial

Press Release Summary = A new blog, The Forex Non-Dealing Desk Trader, takes a fresh
look at foreign exchange trading and, in doing so, may help to bring about much
needed industry reform. At the very least the blogger hopes to help traders avoid
making the same mistakes he has made over the years.\"

Press Release Body = LOS ANGELES, CA - Phil Davis, a balding, well tanned 59 year
old self-described loner, doesn't portray himself as a crusader but writing a steady
stream of articles about the hazards of Forex trading, he certainly comes off like
one. "I don't have a bone to pick with anyone in particular, but I'm convinced the
industry is in dire need of reform," he said.

The inspiration to create his blog, The Forex Non-Dealing Desk Trader, came early
last Fall when he had a conversation with a retired Forex broker he'd met at a
community function in downtown LA. "When I started talking [bragging] about my
experiences as a 'Foreign exchange trader', he listened politely and then, after I'd
pretty much revealed how little I knew, he asked me a predictable question - 'Who's
your broker?'"

"At the time I thought that he was asking the question just to be polite but the
statement that followed my response made me realize how little I knew about the
industry. "I don't mean to burst your bubble, Phil, but you aren't trading the

That, Davis describes, as his Dan Quayle moment.

"I tried, of course, to contest his observation but it didn't take very long for me
to realize that he knew what he was talking about - I didn't. In the end, he
convinced me that I wasn't trading the Forex. I was trading on an artificial,
off-exchange market created, controlled, and manipulated by a broker for the
ultimate benefit of the broker," Davis reported.

"Ultimately he led me to understand that I was no more a Forex trader than the
tourist who visits the currency exchange counter at a local bank," he said.

During the course of the ensuing conversation, Davis also learned that he could,
indeed, trade the Forex but that he would have to trade standards lots through a
broker offering direct market access through a non-dealing desk.

Those revelations paired with a search for a non-dealing desk broker led Davis
several months ago to create a blog to help other traders overcome the natural
disadvantages every trader faces trading the foreign exchange. "If through my
research and commentary, I can help at least one trader avoid making the mistakes
I've made, I'll be satisfied," he said.

And he believes the blog fills a definite need.

Industry insiders like Drew Niv, chief executive of FXCM, one of the biggest dealing
desk, Forex brokerage houses in the US, acknowledged in an article appearing in the
Wall Street Journal that few traders are profitable. "Niv doesn't attribute the
failure rate to anything specific, but I have come to believe it's more a function
of broker manipulation than the vagaries of the foreign exchange itself," Davis

Davis's own research seems to confirm that. According to Davis, unlike their dealing
desk counterparts, non-dealing desk brokers offer the trader a leveler playing
field. Instead of trading with a single broker offering contrived pricing, spot
traders have the opportunity to trade against dozens of banks and FCMs. \"It doesn't
take a genius to understand that the trader is better off when he has more options
to choose from,\" he said.

Davis's blog first came on line in April. The Forex Non-Dealing Desk Trader
( is a non-commercial blog so he doesn't use it (nor
does he allow anyone else to use it) to recommend any Forex related service

Web Site =

Contact Details = Phil Davis
801 S. Grand Ave.
Los Angeles , 90024


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